"system error 5 has occurred" - Access is denied. Net Use
net use L: \\ATU1277\scans MyPassword /user:SCANSSystem error 5 has occurred.Access is denied.net view \\ error 5 has occurred.Access is denied.I'm trying to setup network shares on an XP Pro sp2 machine. I had sp3 installed and removed it because an IBM program wouldn't run in sp3.I'm trying to share a folder called scans on an AS/400. The AS/400 netshares is configured to share the folder with unlimited users. The user allowed to share the folder on the AS/400 is called scans. The user scans is created in XP Pro.Both computers have the same user name called scans and the same password.The user scans on the AS/400 is enabled.Both computers are set with a workgroup called Workgroup.In XP Pro the:computer browser has been restarted.Net Logon is not started and set to manual.If I go into Windows Explorer, My Network Places, Entire Network, Microsoft Windows Network, Workgroup, ATU1277It asks me for a user name and a password.If I put in user name:scans password:MyPasswordThe username/password screen comes right back. Over and Over againThe firewall on the XP machine has TCP ports 137, 138, 139, 445 open.The firewall on the XP machine has Trusted. This is the machine called ATU1277.I have "simple file sharing" un-checked.I have also tried net use L: \\\SCANS /user:\administratorwith the administrator password for the XP machine.I have tried turning File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks off, Ok, On, Ok.Net Use shows no shares.rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr shows no passwords are saved. Thanks,Docfxit
January 7th, 2011 2:27am

Hi Docfxit, The issue that you’ve posted is better suited in the TechNet Forums. Please refer the below mentioned link for further assistance.Windows XP IT Pro Category Regards,Syed N – Microsoft Support--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Visit our Microsoft Answers Feedback Forum and let us know what you think.
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January 7th, 2011 10:37pm

Hi Docfxit, The issue that you’ve posted is better suited in the TechNet Forums. Please refer the below mentioned link for further assistance.Windows XP IT Pro Category I have re-posted this question at:http://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en/itproxpsp/thread/c64c59e2-41fe-4309-a4c2-37b6ed844603
January 8th, 2011 10:55am

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